Annotations WIP
You can add annotations to classes, data templates, and method declarations by using the @
symbol followed by the annotation name and a read-only parameter list. Annotations are part of the MNI framework and only exist during the compilation phase.
MNI Implementation
// Inherits from DataTemplateAnnotation, indicating that this annotation can only be used on data templates
public class Example extends DataTemplateAnnotation {
public Example(String className) {
super("Example", "mcfpp.annotation");
// RESOVLE_FIELD represents the field resolution phase, after which the annotation will be registered in the compiler
Project.INSTANCE.getStageProcessor()[Project.INSTANCE.getRESOVLE_FIELD()].add(() -> {
GlobalField.INSTANCE.getLocalNamespaces().get("mcfpp.annotation").getField().addAnnotation("Example", this.getClass(), false);
return null;
// Defines what happens to the data template when the compiler encounters this annotation during the annotation parsing phase
public void forDataObject(@NotNull DataTemplate data) {
MCFPP Declaration