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Member of entity template

Similar to Java, in MCFPP, members of entity template include attributes and methods. Attributes are the data members, used to store the data of the object; methods are the function of entity template member, used to operate the data of the object. Member of entity template can access by . operator.


Attributes are the data member of entity template, used to store the data of a object. The grammar to define attributes is shown below:

class A{
    int a;
    int b = 5;

The code before defined a entity template A, it has two attributes a and b. a is a integer attribute, not initialized; b is a integer attribute, initialized as 5.


Methods are the function member of entity template, used to operate the data of the object. The grammar to define a method is shown below:

class A{
    void test(){
        print("Hello, World!");

Use keyword this can access the attributes of the object,such as:

class A{
    int a;
    void setA(int a){
        this.a = a;

Access control

In MCFPP, members of entity template can use keywords public, protected and private to control the access rights. Default, members of entity template are private.

  • public:public, accessible to outside.
  • protected:protected, accessible to subclasses.
  • private:private, only can access in the entity template.
class A{
    public int a;
    protected int b;
    private int c;

class B: A{
    void test(){
        a = 1;  # Allowed 
        b = 2;  # Allowed 
        c = 3;  # Error 

func test(){
    A obj = new A();
    obj.a = 1;  # Allowed 
    obj.b = 2;  # Error 
    obj.c = 3;  # Error 