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To address the inconvenience of working with compound tags in vanilla Minecraft NBT, MCFPP introduces a new data structure: map. A map is a key-value data structure where the keys must be strings, and the values must all be of the same type.

Basic Usage

Use map<type T> to declare a map. Like with dict, you can access key-value pairs in a map using [].

map<int> m = {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "c": 3

print(m["a"]); # Outputs 1

m["d"] = 4; # Adds a new key-value pair

map Operations

The MCFPP standard library provides a series of functions to manipulate map.

Function NameParametersReturn ValueDescription
clearvoidvoidClears the map
containsKeystring keyboolChecks if the map contains the specified key
containsValueT valueboolChecks if the map contains the specified value
isEmptyvoidboolChecks if the map is empty
getKeysvoidlist<string>Retrieves all keys in the map
getValuesvoidlist<T>Retrieves all values in the map
removestring keyvoidRemoves the key-value pair for the specified key
mergemap<T> mapvoidMerges two maps
sizevoidintReturns the size of the map

map Traversal Future Feature

You can use the foreach loop to easily traverse all key-value pairs in a map.

map<int> m = {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "c": 3

foreach(k, v in m){
    print(k + ": " + v);

foreach(k in m.getKeys()){
    print(k + ": " + m[k]);

foreach(v in m.getValues()){


Compared to dict, which is composed solely of compound tags, map has a more complex structure. Typically, a map consists of three parts: a list of keys, a list of values, and a compound tag representing the key-value pairs. This structure means that writing data to a map has a higher overhead than writing to a dict. However, this structure also grants map more functionality.

For instance, consider the following code:

map m = {};

m["qwq"] = "pwp";
m["owo"] = "uwu";
m["nya"] = "meow";

When stored, the structure of the map would look like this:

            key:["qwq","owo","nya"],        // Key list
            value:["pwp","uwu","meow"],     // Value list
                "qwq":"pwp","owo":"uwu","nya":"meow"    // Key-value pairs, similar to a dict