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Inline function

In MCFPP, we can use keyword inline to declare an inline function. When call this function, compiler will insert the code into the code directly, but not call the function. So it can reduce the cost of calling functions, make the program more efficient.

Declare of inline function

The grammar of declare a inline function is:

inline func functionName(parameter1, parameter2, ...) -> returnType{
    #Function body

Call of inline function

In the place of calling inline function, compiler will insert the inline function directly, but not call the function. Such as the example below:

inline func add(int a, int b) -> int{
    return a + b;

func main(){
    print(add(1, 2));

During compilation, the code is same as:

func main(){
    int a = 1;
    int b = 2;
    int ret = a + b;

This means that, in the inline function, the change to variable will effect the variable out of the function.